

Since 2008 Techno Stroy Bulgaria Ltd. performs its activities in accordance with the requirements of the quality standard ISO 9001:2000 and in 2009 we successfully implemented an integrated management system for quality standards ISO 9001:2008, for environmental protection ISO 14001:2004 and for work safety BS OHSAS 18001:2007.
In June 2020 our company has passed certification in accordance with the requirements of the standard OHSAS 18001:2007 to ISO 45001:2018.

The company's policy is aimed at improving the quality management system to increase customer satisfaction through meeting more fully their requirements. Modern quality management methods include:

•  application of new modern technologies for performance of construction and installation works

•  implementation of practices for effective human resources management

•  continuous improvement of management systems

•  good relations with investors

•  timely and quality performance of agreed construction works

•  strict observance of the detailed designs

•  successful implementation of the company's internal quality control and constant pursuit of better quality

•  equally responsible attitude towards commitments to investors

•  successful acquisition and implementation of new modern technologies and materials in the performance of construction works